Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Baby Nite Nite Boot Camp Night #3: The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music!

Ahhhh! Sleep, dear sleep....where have you been my friend?!?!? Don't get too excited....Tripp didn't sleep ALL night but after the night was definitely a step in the right direction! Also, Mommy got more than 3 hours of consecutive sleep! I see a light at the end of the tunnel and it is beautiful!
We went to the doctor yesterday and she gave us some great tips. One thing she said was to not rock him all the way to sleep at night. I should rock him until he is almost a sleep and then put him in his bed. This way he knows he is in his bed and doesn't wake up thinking "Hey! Where did everybody go? We were just all together and Mommy was rocking me!"
Also she suggested that we lose the paci because he is using it as a sleeping aid and I am having to get up to put it in his mouth. She also told me that when I do get up with him to not pick him up, not to make eye contact, or talk to him. She said that if I give him attention then he will learn that crying equals Mommies attention. So laughing at him is probably a bad idea! He has got to learn not to be so darn cute in the middle of the night! ;o)
Last night at 8:00, he had his "milkshake" and he was so sleepy that he was falling a sleep while eating. I put him right in his bed because I knew if I rocked him that he would be out like a light. He went right to sleep after only a couple of minutes (with no paci...just his blanket and Lovie).
He slept until 3:00. I tried to just pat his back to get him back to sleep but it was obvious he was looking for that paci. After not much consideration or thought, I quickly retrieved the paci from his diaper bag and popped it right in his little mouth. I will not apologize for this act of desperation....I had slept....actually slept! At that moment, all I wanted was to get back to that glorious feeling and for Tripp to also. A mistake maybe but we were both back a sleep in less than 5, worth it!
He then woke up at 5:00 for another paci replacement (ummm, yes I know what you are thinking but we are taking baby steps). We were back a sleep in less that 2 minutes.
That was it until 6:15 when we got up for the morning.
I consider the night a small success. I am not sure what I am going to do about the paci. He went to sleep fine with out it but seemed to want it to get back to sleep in the middle of the night. I guess we will take it one night at a time.
I feel like a new person today with some decent sleep! I guess we will see how Night #4 goes! Wish me luck!

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