Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Wise Babies Whisper Because They are the Happiest Babies on the Block

Oh my goodness! I have been quite busy with my two 3 month old twins! I loved reading all of your comments on what worked for you. It also reminded me that all babies are different. What works for your baby might not work for others. I have two very different babies so I have to do what works with them. I can say that we are all happy and living in peace. The good news is, they are both successfully sleeping through the night! YAY! How? You might ask? Did my research of some of the popular baby books work? Am I using on the popular baby books? Well the answer is ...DRUM ROLL PLEASE.... YES, my research paid off! I read "Baby Wise", "Baby Whisperer", and "The Happiest Baby on the Block." I implemented all three for a short stint of time. I decided that I like certain things about all three book. Hence the title of my blog, (which I am considering writing my own book for mom of twins and calling it "My Wise Babies Whisper Because They are the Happiest Babies on the Block." Not one of these books really worked 100% for both babies. I was stressing myself out trying to be a stickler when implementing them. I even had a somewhat meltdown and had to call a friend for reinforcement one day. I decided shortly after that that I needed to do what is best for Tripp and Ella Harper. So what are we doing? Well, I got from "Baby Wise" and the "Baby Whisperer" that schedules and consistency is key. That is great for me. Anyone who knows me knows that I am very much ruled by these things. So doing this with the twins was an easy task for me to implement. We already were to an extent. The "Baby Whisperer" helped me tremendously to find out what kind of babies I have and what their temperaments are (according to the book). You and your spouse answer a little questionnaire for each child and then it tells you. It was really close to being right on. Also from this book, I learned what the different cries mean. This has been so useful and I really can tell most times. We also use the E.A.S.Y schedule. It stands for Eat, Activity, Sleep, and You time. What I do not do from this book is how I get the babies to sleep. This is where "The Happiest Baby on the Block" comes in. I have chosen to rock them to sleep. This book does the 5 S's (Swaddle, Side/Stomach, Shushing sound, Swinging, and Sucking). I have staggered their eating time by 15 minute to allow for rocking time. My logic (because the other 2 books frown upon rocking or any other "aides") is they are only little for a short time and I am going to cherish every moment with them. I LOVE to rock and I am going to do it. That time is special for me and for them. It has become a sort of prayer and meditation time over them. I look into their beautiful blue eyes in amazement on how good God is and thank him for my angels. I LOVE IT! Guess works and they are not ruined so far AND sleeping through the night at 3 months. So we are chugging along right now and we are H-A-P-P-Y! Again...thank you everyone for your input. Sometimes it is just nice to know that others have been where you are and they survived! On another note...we went for our 2 month check-up. Tripp was 13 lbs and 6 oz and my little peanut, Ella Harper, was 10 lbs and 9 oz. My chunky monkey was THREE lbs more than his sissy! I cannot believe how much they have grown and that it has already been 3 months! They are "talking" and making some great expressions. Being a mommy is the best. Everyday I wonder what amazing new thing they are going to do. I love that most days I smile so much that my mouth hurts. I love that I can calm them when they cry. I love that I miss them when I am away from them (even if it is only for a few minutes). Most of all, I just love being their mommy! Tell me what are your favorite parts of being a mommy? What do I have to look forward to? Until next time...God Bless!