Thursday, July 21, 2011

Baby Nite Nite Boot Camp Night #4: So Long, Fairwell, and Goodnight!

Well, Baby Night Night Boot Camp is coming to an end. I feel as though we are on the road to sleeping all night.

My little trooper woke up at 12:30 for just a minute and then at 4:15 for a minute. The times are stretching longer and I feel that with the night feedings gone, it won't be long! Thanks for the prayers, encouragement, and advice! I knew I could count on you SUPER MOMS!

So, until the next update...I hope you all are having a great summer! Thanks for coming along on our journey to good sleep!


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Baby Nite Nite Boot Camp Night #3: The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music!

Ahhhh! Sleep, dear sleep....where have you been my friend?!?!? Don't get too excited....Tripp didn't sleep ALL night but after the night was definitely a step in the right direction! Also, Mommy got more than 3 hours of consecutive sleep! I see a light at the end of the tunnel and it is beautiful!
We went to the doctor yesterday and she gave us some great tips. One thing she said was to not rock him all the way to sleep at night. I should rock him until he is almost a sleep and then put him in his bed. This way he knows he is in his bed and doesn't wake up thinking "Hey! Where did everybody go? We were just all together and Mommy was rocking me!"
Also she suggested that we lose the paci because he is using it as a sleeping aid and I am having to get up to put it in his mouth. She also told me that when I do get up with him to not pick him up, not to make eye contact, or talk to him. She said that if I give him attention then he will learn that crying equals Mommies attention. So laughing at him is probably a bad idea! He has got to learn not to be so darn cute in the middle of the night! ;o)
Last night at 8:00, he had his "milkshake" and he was so sleepy that he was falling a sleep while eating. I put him right in his bed because I knew if I rocked him that he would be out like a light. He went right to sleep after only a couple of minutes (with no paci...just his blanket and Lovie).
He slept until 3:00. I tried to just pat his back to get him back to sleep but it was obvious he was looking for that paci. After not much consideration or thought, I quickly retrieved the paci from his diaper bag and popped it right in his little mouth. I will not apologize for this act of desperation....I had slept....actually slept! At that moment, all I wanted was to get back to that glorious feeling and for Tripp to also. A mistake maybe but we were both back a sleep in less than 5, worth it!
He then woke up at 5:00 for another paci replacement (ummm, yes I know what you are thinking but we are taking baby steps). We were back a sleep in less that 2 minutes.
That was it until 6:15 when we got up for the morning.
I consider the night a small success. I am not sure what I am going to do about the paci. He went to sleep fine with out it but seemed to want it to get back to sleep in the middle of the night. I guess we will take it one night at a time.
I feel like a new person today with some decent sleep! I guess we will see how Night #4 goes! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Baby Nite Nite Boot Camp Night #2: Tripp-2 Mommy-0

Night #2: Well, what can I say but it was a LONG one again. The successes were that he did not have a bottle although I almost caved! At 4:45 in the morning, with little sleep, you start to try to rationalize why it would be o.k. "just this once" to TANK HIM UP for some sleep. I actually went into the kitchen and began making his bottle. I was telling myself how technically it was morning and how lovely it would be if it would make him sleep to at least 7:00. I started thinking about my comfy comforter and how it would be worth it to me for just 1 hour of straight sleep.
You see what preceded these thoughts explain why I would be compromising my "no bottle" new rule.
At 8:00 I fed Tripp his last bottle. One of my friends, Amy who has grown twin boys, said that she fed her boys cereal before they went to sleep and they slept through the night. I decided to try this, however Tripp will not eat cereal straight from a spoon, I have to mixed it with his veggies or fruits during dinner. But I thought he may eat it in his bottle. I did do this night one but I only put about a teaspoon of cereal. After talking to my best friend Caprice yesterday, she said that if he can eat it though a regular nipple, that I am not putting enough. So, I made that sweet child a milk/cereal milkshake. He ate about 2 ounces and was out. I was fairly confident that this was going to keep him asleep for awhile. Well, he made it until 2:00 a.m. Which is good and 30 minutes longer than the night before. I just had high hopes of dreaming about skipping in a meadow with Julie Andrews like in the Sound of Music. O.k, so I have never actually had this dream but doesn't it sound just lovely?!?!? I would have even settled for running in a desert with anyone to just be asleep! But my sweet child had other plans.
He ended up waking up every 30 minutes from 2:00 to 4:45 for his PACI! Yes, I said it. He was fine after I put that paci in his mouth every time. Well, I say "fine". He seemed like he just could not get comfortable and go to sleep good. But he did, at least for 30 minutes. I would get back to sleep for just a minute when I would hear "WAAAAAAAA!" I was even wishing he would do something, like spit at me, to make me laugh by 3:30 but no such luck.
Will this ever get better? I was happier or at least more willing to be up at 2:00 when I "had" to feed him. But to be up all night to replace a paci is for the birds.
I know some will say to let him just cry himself back to sleep and but I am still worried about Ella Harper and Daddy in the next room. That boy can scream...I mean, wake the dead, scream. So, we will forge on and hope for the best. We are going to the dr today for their 6 month check-up so I will pick her brain for suggestions as well. As ALWAYS....if you know the secret to fixing this little predicament, please share. The Baby Whisperer obviously never met Tripp Halen because she has no suggestions for fixing this problem with a twin sister in the next room. Prayers appreciated and Julie Andrews....I AM coming sister! lol


Monday, July 18, 2011

Baby Nite Nite Boot Camp Night #1

We have officially started baby nite nite boot camp at our house. It is called "Operation: Get Tripp Sleeping Through the Night".
I thought I would document this for other people who might be going through the same thing, or for you to give me advice on what I am doing AND so Tripp can see, when he gets older, what a sweet little stinker he was when he was little (lol).
The first night (last night) went much better than I thought it would. Thanks to the advice that you sent to my Facebook and on here. I also re-read the sleep chapter of "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer" and got a plan.
It started at 8:00 when Tripp had his last bottle for the night. I made him 6 oz and added cereal to it. Then it was off to bed. I put Ella Harper in the Pack N Play in the spare bedroom with Daddy.
Tripp woke up the first time about 1:30. (As suggested in the book) I picked him up and put the paci in his mouth. I rocked him back and forth for about 10 minutes until he fell back asleep. This shocked me. I was sure that he would cry until I gave him a bottle.
#2 wake up came about 2:30. I did not pick him up but put the paci back in his mouth and patted his back until he stopped crying. He fell back asleep fairly quickly. (Surprise #2)
#3 wake up came at 3:30 (do you see a pattern? lol) This time, he was MAD! I went in and talk to him and patted his back and replaced the paci. Once he was ok, the "fun" began. He obviously thought it was time to play because the next think I know, he was kicking his feet and laughing. I softly told him it was time to go to sleep in my best nurturing mommy voice. That child looked right at me and spit (you know the kind where they stick their tongue out and blow slobber everywhere) and laughed. I got bad tickled and had to walk out.
He played and talked for about 10 minutes until, I guess, he realized that I was gone. Then the crying began again. I went in, patted his back and he went to sleep. All this in about 30 minutes.
He woke up this morning about 5:45 for breakfast.
I consider this a success. Hopefully night 2 will go just as well and we will dwindle down on the number of times that we are getting up. At least the feedings are gone (hopefully) and he will stop waking up out of habit. I also hope I do not get spit at tonight (crazy boy)! They never miss a chance to make me laugh! Wish me luck and prayers are appreciated!
P.S. Ella Harper and Daddy got a good nights rest in the spare bedroom! YAY!


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Photographers, Babies, and Heat....Oh My!!!

My beautiful new photographs are courtesy of She did a phenomenal job of capturing the sweet spirit of my precious babies.
We went last Saturday to my hometown of Montgomery to meet my friend Chrystal, who is a photographer, to take my babies 6 month pictures.
Before deciding to go with Chrystal, I looked at some local photographers for convenience purposes. I have to say, the quality of work that all the photographers did were gorgeous. The problem was the method of pricing. After looking at the websites of what I would need to pay to get quality memories of my babies, my head was spinning. There were sitting fees (one for weekends and one for weekdays)....there were session fees....fees for extra people....fees for CD's....fees for prints....fees, fees, fees. I tried to figure out what exactly I would end up paying and honestly I narrowed it down to anywhere between $150.00 to $300.00 but I didn't know for sure.
I made this mistake with our 3 month pictures. I chose a local commercial photography studio. They reeled me in with a $9.99 sitting fee. I though well, we will only want a few pictures so the prints should not cost that much....WRONG! We ended up paying almost $300.00 for mediocre photographs that weren't retouched or edited at all. $9.99 my fanny! I promised myself that I would not go that route again.
So for the six month pictures, I wanted to know exactly what I was paying for and quality without forgoing the twins college fund. I absolutely got that with Chrystal. Yes, I had to drive to Montgomery which is less convenient but SO WORTH IT! Her pricing is straight forward and reasonable. She was great with my children. It was so hot but she was patient and professional and waited to get the perfect shot! As you can see....she was well worth the trip to Montgomery. I highly recommend her to you for capturing all of you priceless memories! Here website is Check her out and tell her I sent you! You won't be sorry! We will be using her for all our milestones!
Thanks again Chrystal! You are FABULOUS!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Calling All SUPER Mommies!!! Help!!!!!!

My babies are 6 months old this week. Hard to believe that at this time last year, I was just getting use to idea that our family would be going from two to four. It is amazing what happens in a year.
I have to say that I am totally appreciating my job as a teacher. Having these couple of months to spend at home with my babies have been priceless. We spend our days laughing, playing, but mostly Mommy chasing my highly skilled "rollers". I can walk into the kitchen, leaving both babies on their mat, and I come back in to one on one side of the room and the other baby on the other side (both laughing). I am pretty sure that they know what they are doing. ;o) I can't imagine how much fun they will have with me when they figure out that they can crawl in opposite directions. I am thinking that one of those baby corals will be in our future.
The 6 months stage is proving to be a fun and exciting age. They are developing their cute little personalities. Ella Harper is independent and so funny. She is every expressive with her face and fairly easy going. She is happy anywhere you put her and she loves playing with her brother but is just as happy playing by herself. When she cries, you know she needs something. My little Tripp, on the other hand, is a total cuddle bug and turning into quite the "Mommy's Boy". He is very expressive as well. He is constantly "talking", laughing and squealing (which is his new thing lately). It is amazing to me how high his octave is. It will definitely get your attention. It is so cool watching them come into their own.
Another thing that is happening in the new stage.They are recognizing when people who are unfamiliar to them. I like to call this phase"stranger danger". They curl that bottom lip up and scream at unsuspecting elderly people in the grocery store who only want to squeeze their cute, chubby cheeks. Strangely enough it has been my easy going child, Ella Harper. I am hoping that the couple of times it has happened are isolated incidents. Usually they are both very sweet and good when we go on outings.
Right now I am trying to get my little Tripp to sleep through the night before I start back to school. He was before I started back to work and then he started getting up at least twice a night to eat but I also get up to put his paci in his mouth and the reposition him (even though he knows how to roll over himself). I read to ween them off of the night feedings that you reduce the amount of milk you give them and then you start diluting them with water. The theory is that they will stop waking up for water. I have started reducing the amount and so far I have found out that Tripp only wakes up for a night feeding out of habit (which I figured as much but nice to be confirmed). He eats the 2 oz vs the 6 he was getting and goes back to sleep. But how do I break the habit of feeding during the night at all? I am going to try diluting his bottles but any advice you might have to get him to sleep through the night would be wonderful. What have you tried and what has worked for you? Also, what do you do about the paci getting misplaced during the night? Remember he has a sister who is asleep in the same room so letting him cry himself back to sleep is not really an option. What is worse than having one baby awake at 2:00 a.m? Having two babies awake at 2:00 am!!! Help!!! I have about 3 weeks until school starts!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!