Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Baby Nite Nite Boot Camp Night #2: Tripp-2 Mommy-0

Night #2: Well, what can I say but it was a LONG one again. The successes were that he did not have a bottle although I almost caved! At 4:45 in the morning, with little sleep, you start to try to rationalize why it would be o.k. "just this once" to TANK HIM UP for some sleep. I actually went into the kitchen and began making his bottle. I was telling myself how technically it was morning and how lovely it would be if it would make him sleep to at least 7:00. I started thinking about my comfy comforter and how it would be worth it to me for just 1 hour of straight sleep.
You see what preceded these thoughts explain why I would be compromising my "no bottle" new rule.
At 8:00 I fed Tripp his last bottle. One of my friends, Amy who has grown twin boys, said that she fed her boys cereal before they went to sleep and they slept through the night. I decided to try this, however Tripp will not eat cereal straight from a spoon, I have to mixed it with his veggies or fruits during dinner. But I thought he may eat it in his bottle. I did do this night one but I only put about a teaspoon of cereal. After talking to my best friend Caprice yesterday, she said that if he can eat it though a regular nipple, that I am not putting enough. So, I made that sweet child a milk/cereal milkshake. He ate about 2 ounces and was out. I was fairly confident that this was going to keep him asleep for awhile. Well, he made it until 2:00 a.m. Which is good and 30 minutes longer than the night before. I just had high hopes of dreaming about skipping in a meadow with Julie Andrews like in the Sound of Music. O.k, so I have never actually had this dream but doesn't it sound just lovely?!?!? I would have even settled for running in a desert with anyone to just be asleep! But my sweet child had other plans.
He ended up waking up every 30 minutes from 2:00 to 4:45 for his PACI! Yes, I said it. He was fine after I put that paci in his mouth every time. Well, I say "fine". He seemed like he just could not get comfortable and go to sleep good. But he did, at least for 30 minutes. I would get back to sleep for just a minute when I would hear "WAAAAAAAA!" I was even wishing he would do something, like spit at me, to make me laugh by 3:30 but no such luck.
Will this ever get better? I was happier or at least more willing to be up at 2:00 when I "had" to feed him. But to be up all night to replace a paci is for the birds.
I know some will say to let him just cry himself back to sleep and but I am still worried about Ella Harper and Daddy in the next room. That boy can scream...I mean, wake the dead, scream. So, we will forge on and hope for the best. We are going to the dr today for their 6 month check-up so I will pick her brain for suggestions as well. As ALWAYS....if you know the secret to fixing this little predicament, please share. The Baby Whisperer obviously never met Tripp Halen because she has no suggestions for fixing this problem with a twin sister in the next room. Prayers appreciated and Julie Andrews....I AM coming sister! lol


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