Friday, February 25, 2011

Everyday Life!

Today, the babies are six weeks old. In a way, I can't believe that it has been six weeks already. In another way, it feels as though I have known these sweet angels forever. They have taught me so much. For one thing, they are completely individuals. Their pediatrician reminded of this at our first appointment. I, of course, had to learn it the hard way. I have changed both their formulas to try to help the reflux to only quickly put Ella Harper back on what she was on before. I learned that just because Ella Harper likes to be swaddled tight to go to sleep, Tripp likes his arms free. He will fuss and struggle until he gets them free. My nap and his was compromised one day to learn that one! Tripp likes to lie on the floor on his baby gym and look at the hanging mobiles and Ella Harper likes to be in the bouncy or the swing. As different as they are, they also are alike too. They both love for mommy and daddy to rock them. They both find holding on to mommy's hair comforting. They love taking rides in the stroller and the car. I know this isn't earth shattering, go tell it on the mountain news but it has been so cool to see their little differences and similarities.
In mommy news, I am learning to let people help me and I am learning to try to be "ok" when things aren't done exactly as I would do them. Both are really hard for me. I am very independent and I tend to do things myself to ensure that they are done to my specifications. In one way, I feel as though it has helped me tremendously to be schedule and detail oriented when raising two newborn twins. We have them eating every three to four hours. They go to sleep at the same time and wake up the same time. We feed them at the same time too even if I am by myself. This has been key to my survival as a new mommy. Not to mention, it has ensured that I get sleep at night (when the reflux isn't causing problems). Can you imagine what it would be like if I did not do this? I would be feeding babies for two hours, then with diaper change and getting them back to sleep, that would leave no sleep for me. It would be a continuous circle. So I don't feel as bad being insistent on these details. It's the little things that I need to let go. For example, like what they wear or how they are held when being fed....those things are unimportant.
I have also been brave enough to get out on my own with the babies. The key to making a quick run to store or anywhere else (by yourself) with two newborn babies is to make sure you do it between feedings. I get them and me ready to go, then feed them, and leave immediately. I only have about 2 hours and 45 minutes (to be safe) to get in and out before the starving shrills begin. So far I have been successful. However, I have learned to avoid Walgreens on Mondays. I went a couple of weeks ago and saw that senior citizen ladies like to go then to redeem those coupons. They love to stop, look at the babies, and reminisce about when they had little babies. Some have told me all the people they know who have twins or just had babies in general. Don't get me wrong, I love showing off my babies and talking to anyone that wants to stop us. It's just that talking too long could potentially lead to a disaster if it gets into feeding time. So Tuesdays it is, Walgreens!
I hope everyone has a great weekend! Enjoy your family and friends!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Votes are in!

The votes are in! I wish I agreed with you! Majority voted that Tripp and Ella Harper both look like me. I happen to feel strongly that both my children look like their daddy in their own way. You are at a disadvantage. You only get to see their picture. I get to see their facial expressions. Their eyes are even turning blue like his. I tell them all the time that "mommy was just the incubator for little mini-daddies"! Thank goodness he is very good looking! I am hoping that as they grow up, maybe just a little of mommy will be visible! At this point, I will happy if they have my toes! It did make me feel good to see all those votes for "mommy"!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Witching Hour?!?

I have heard moms talking about a newborn syndrome called the "witching hour". This is when a newborn baby cries or is fussy at a certain time at night. It can start anywhere from 4:00 in the afternoon and last until 10:00 at night. The baby is almost inconsolable. (To find out more, google "baby witching hour"). I always wondered what caused it and how you "fix" it. I also wondered if all babies do this or if it was just a mild exaggeration from sleep deprived mommies. My sweet angels will be one month old this Friday. For the past two weeks my little Tripp starts getting really cranky around 7:00 pm and usually calms down around the 9:00 feeding. We discovered that he has some reflux problems and I thought initially that his fussiness was his reflux acting up. Our pediatrician prescribed medicine to help that and he is still super fussy. It dawned on me today that maybe what is going on with Tripp may be what some moms call the witching hour. Some nights are better than others. Sometimes he just whines and squirms and wants to be held. Other nights, he screams as if he is in pain and starving (even after he has just eaten). So now I am left Tripp experiencing the newborn witching hour or could it be his reflux making him uncomfortable? It is weird to me that while he is pitching fits his sister, Ella Harper, is usually fast asleep nearby. If it is the witching hour fussiness, what can this mommy do to help? What has worked for you or do you even believe in the whole "witching hour" tale? Also, answer my new polls...inquiring minds want to know!