Friday, June 10, 2011

Just Another Day in Paradise!

O.k. I admit it! I have been a terrible blogger the past two months. To my defense, I have been just a little busy with two precious angels.

For starters, I had to go back to work at the beginning of May to teach my little first graders for the 18 days left of school.. This was a huge hurdle for me. I was very spoiled getting to spend the days being a stay at home mommy. I was very conflicted about how I would feel leaving my babies every morning. The first week was the worst. Both of my babies are the happiest little things first thing in the morning. It is my favorite time with them. So leaving them , sometimes before they woke up, was hard. Then there was the day that Tripp cried every time I started to walk out the door. Talk about ripping this mommy's heart out! Ugh! I cried all the way to school and then some. Luckily, I am so blessed to have my Mother in Law to keep them. At least when I am working, I know they are in excellent care and being loved on as much as I do! I thank God they have such an awesome grandmother who loves spending precious time with my babies. I have been out of school for two weeks now so my heart is complete for the summer!

The babies will be 5 months old on the 14th of June....I KNOW...I can't believe it either. Where did the time go?!?!? They are getting so big and we are hitting some fun milestones. Their weight at the 4 month appointment was Ella Harper 13 lbs and Tripp was 16 lbs (daddy's little linebacker). Ella was in the 50 percentile and Tripp was in the 95th percentile! My friend said that she was going to start the "Feed Ella Harper Campaign". HA I promise we feed that sweet baby. Her brother just puts it on a little more. Not to mention, he gets one to two more feedings than her. She sleeps through the night but I can usually count on him waking up to eat! What can I boys like his milk!

Ella Harper is my little rolly poly... She can successfully roll from her back to her tummy with little effort. I lay her down on her back, blink, and then she is on her tummy! I spend most of my days rolling over to her back because she cannot. This aggravates her a lot. She will scream her pretty little head off to be rolled back over. But of course after I do, she rolls right back to her tummy. It is a game that has become apart of our daily routine. Trust me, we have been working on mastering rolling from her tummy to her back. Now my little chunky monkey Tripp is just as content as can be laying on his back and letting mommy roll him to his tummy. He just laughs. When I say "you do it"....he just laughs some more. To his defense, he does have 3 pounds on Ella Harper. It is hard to maneuver all that "love" around.

My little love bugs are also eating baby food now. It is the cutest thing. Ella Harper will open her mouth as wide as we can when the spoon comes near. We have been through all the veggies and they seem to like them all. We will try fruits soon. This was a tip from our ped. and I thought it was the smartest thing EVER. She said to start with the green veggies, then yellow, and then orange. Then you can go to the fruits. She said that if you start with the good stuff, chances are, it will be harder to get them to eat their veggies....GENIUS I say!

I have also invested in the "Baby Bullet" know the info commercial that comes on 20 times on Nick Jr that tells you how easy it would be to make your own baby food! Oh yes! I am going to be a baby food making machine!! How organic of me! Before you know it I will be stitching together homemade diapers made from paper mache ! OK, maybe not but I will let you know how it goes and if my "3 easy payments of $19.95" was worth it.

Well, I guess I have caught you up for now... I am going to try my best to keep my blog up to date...but when they start crawling, I am going to have to invent a belt to strap the laptop on so I can type while I am chasing!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Ella Harper LOVES her carrots!

Tripp Does too!